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Asset Management Service – 层级 Asset 结构建模

以下示例说明了如何为 assets 的层级结构建模。在此示例中,创建了一个用于汽车工厂内的简单机械臂,并对其配备 IoT 2040 盒子。最终模型将包含 5 个层级结构:

  1. 代表租户的根 asset
  2. 代表工厂的站点 asset
  3. 代表装配区域的区域 asset
  4. 代表简单机械臂的设备 asset
  5. 代表 IoT 2040 盒子的代理 asset

创建站点 Asset

使用以下请求创建工厂 asset:

POST /assets

给出以下 JSON 结构来定义站点 asset:

 "externalId":"SN 123456-123-123456",
 "description":"Factory of MindCar",
 "location": {
 "streetAddress":"Industriestraße 21 A/II",
 "typeId": "core.basicsite",
 "parentId": "{assetId}",

调用的响应结果包含新创建的 asset 实例,因此您可以验证创建是否正确:

 "assetId": "{assetId}",
 "tenantId": "{tenantName}",
 "etag": {etagValue},
 "externalId":"SN 123456-123-123456",
 "description":"Factory of MindCar",
 "parentId": "{parentAssetId}",
 "typeId": "core.basicsite",
 "location": {
 "streetAddress":"Industriestraße 21 A/II",
 "fileAssignments": [],
 "variables": [],
 "aspects": [],
 "locks": [],
 "hierarchyPath": [
 "assetId": "{rootAssetId}",
 "name": "{tenantName}"
 "_links": {
 "self": {
 "href": "{link}"
 "aspects": {
 "href": "{link}"
 "variables": {
 "href": "{link}"
 "location": {
 "href": "{link}"
 "parent": {
 "href": "{link}"

第 26 行到第 31 行包含直到根 asset 的层级路径,包括父 asset 的 ID 和名称:

"hierarchyPath": [
 "assetId": "{rootAssetId}",
 "name": "{tenantName}"


返回的层级路径可能有所不同:租户用户可接收到租户根 asset 的完整路径,而子租户用户仅可接收到子租户根 asset 的路径。

创建区域 Asset

创建区域 asset 时可使用与之前相同的请求,但定义区域 asset 时应使用以下 JSON 结构:

 "externalId":"SN 123456-123-123456",
 "description":"Assembly area of MindCar",
 "location": {
 "streetAddress":"Industriestraße 21 A/II",
 "typeId": "core.basicarea",
 "parentId": "{assetId}",

调用的响应结果包含新创建的 asset 实例,因此您可以验证创建是否正确:

 "assetId": "{assetId}",
 "tenantId": "{tenantName}",
 "etag": {etagValue},
 "externalId":"SN 123456-123-123456",
 "description":"Assembly area of MindCar",
 "parentId": "{parentId}",
 "typeId": "core.basicarea",
 "location": {
 "streetAddress":"Industriestraße 21 A/II",
 "fileAssignments": [],
 "variables": [],
 "aspects": [],
 "locks": [],
 "hierarchyPath": [
 "assetId": "{rootAssetId}",
 "name": "{tenantName}"
 "assetId": "{siteAssetId}",
 "_links": {
 "self": {
 "href": "{link}"
 "aspects": {
 "href": "{link}"
 "variables": {
 "href": "{link}"
 "location": {
 "href": "{link}"
 "parent": {
 "href": "{link}"

第 26 行到第 35 行包含直到根 asset 的层级路径,在本例中,该层级路径由两个级别组成。层级路径始终自根 asset 开始,至直接父 asset 结束:

"hierarchyPath": [
 "assetId": "{rootAssetId}",
 "name": "{tenantName}"
 "assetId": "{siteAssetId}",

创建设备 Asset

创建新 asset 前,必须首先定义所需的 aspect 类型和 asset type。在本示例中,设备是一个简单的机械臂,而要测量的 variable 是其旋转参数。

创建 Aspect 类型

使用以下请求创建用于旋转 variable 的 aspect 类型:

PUT /aspecttype/{id}

id 参数的输入如下:


给出以下 JSON 结构来定义 aspect 类型:

 "name": "rotation",
 "category": "dynamic",
 "scope": "private",
 "description":"Rotation of the robotic arm",
 "variables": [
 "name": "rotation",
 "unit": "degree",

调用的响应结果包含新创建的 aspect 类型,因此您可以验证创建是否正确:

 "id": "{tenantName}.rotation",
 "tenantId": "{tenantName}",
 "name": "rotation",
 "category": "dynamic",
 "scope": "private",
 "description":"Rotation of the robotic arm",
 "variables": [
 "name": "rotation",
 "unit": "degree",
 "etag": {etagValue},
 "_links": {
 "self": {
 "href": "{link}"

创建 Asset Type

创建所需的 aspect 类型后,可使用以下请求创建机械臂的 asset type:

PUT /assecttype/{id}

id 参数的输入如下:


给出以下 JSON 结构来定义 asset type:

 "name": "roboticArm",
 "description":"Robotic arm assembling cars",
 "parentTypeId": "core.basicdevice",
 "scope": "private",
 "aspects": [
 "name": "rotation",
 "aspectTypeId": "{tenantName}.rotation"

调用的响应结果包含新创建的 asset type 类型,因此您可以验证创建是否正确:

 "parentTypeId": "core.basicdevice",
 "tenantId": "{tenantName}",
 "name": "roboticArm",
 "description":"Robotic arm assembling cars",
 "scope": "private",
 "variables": [],
 "aspects": [
 "name": "rotation",
 "aspectType": {
 "id": "{tenantName}.rotation",
 "tenantId": "{tenantName}",
 "name": "rotation",
 "category": "dynamic",
 "scope": "private",
 "description":"Rotation of the robotic arm",
 "variables": [
 "name": "rotation",
 "unit": "degree",
 "etag": {etagValue},
 "_links": {
 "self": {
 "href": "{link}"
 "fileAssignments": [],
 "etag": {etagValue},
 "_links": {
 "self": {
 "href": "{link}"
 "parent": {
 "href": "{link}"
 "id": "{tenantName}.roboticarm"

创建 Asset

创建所需的 asset type 后,可使用以下请求创建机械臂的设备 asset:

POST /assets

给出以下 JSON 结构来定义设备 asset:

 "name": "roboticarm",
 "externalId":"SN 123456-123-123456",
 "description":"Robotic arm assembling cars",
 "typeId": "{tenantName}.roboticarm",
 "parentId": "{assetId}",

调用的响应结果包含新创建的 asset 实例,因此您可以验证创建是否正确:

 "assetId": "{assetId}",
 "tenantId": "{tenantName}",
 "name": "roboticarm",
 "etag": {etagValue},
 "externalId":"SN 123456-123-123456",
 "description":"Robotic arm assembling cars",
 "parentId": "{parentId}",
 "typeId": "{tenantName}.roboticarm",
 "location": {
 "streetAddress":"Industriestraße 21 A/II",
 "fileAssignments": [],
 "variables": [],
 "aspects": [],
 "locks": [],
 "hierarchyPath": [
 "assetId": "{rootAssetId}",
 "name": "{tenantName}"
 "assetId": "{assetId}",
 "assetId": "{assetId}",
 "_links": {
 "self": {
 "href": "{link}"
 "aspects": {
 "href": "{link}"
 "variables": {
 "href": "{link}"
 "location": {
 "href": "{link}"
 "parent": {
 "href": "{link}"

第 26 行到第 35 行包含直到根 asset 的层级路径。层级路径显示直到根 asset 的所有父项,包括其 assetIdname,该路径自根开始,至直接父项区域结束。

"hierarchyPath": [
 "assetId": "{rootAssetId}",
 "name": "{tenantName}"
 "assetId": "{assetId}",
 "assetId": "{assetId}",

创建 IoT 2040 代理 Asset

最后,使用以下请求创建 IoT 2040 代理 asset:

POST /assets

给出以下 JSON 结构来定义代理 asset:

 "externalId":"SN 123456-123-123456",
 "typeId": "core.mciot2040",
 "parentId": "{assetId}",

调用的响应结果包含新创建的 asset 实例,因此您可以验证创建是否正确:

 "assetId": "{assetId}",
 "tenantId": "{tenantValue}",
 "etag": {etagValue},
 "externalId":"SN 123456-123-123456",
 "parentId": "{assetId}",
 "typeId": "core.mciot2040",
 "location": {
 "streetAddress":"Industriestraße 21 A/II",
 "fileAssignments": [],
 "variables": [],
 "aspects": [],
 "locks": [],
 "hierarchyPath": [
 "assetId": "{rootAssetId}",
 "name": "{tenantName}"
 "assetId": "{assetId}",
 "assetId": "{assetId}",
 "assetId": "{assetId}",
 "name": "roboticarm"
 "_links": {
 "self": {
 "href": "{link}"
 "aspects": {
 "href": "{link}"
 "variables": {
 "href": "{link}"
 "location": {
 "href": "{link}"
 "parent": {
 "href": "{link}"

层级路径显示直到根 asset 的所有父项,包括 assetId 和名称,该路径自根开始,至直接父项机械臂结束。

 "hierarchyPath": [
 "assetId": "{rootAssetId}",
 "name": "{tenantName}"
 "assetId": "{assetId}",
 "assetId": "{assetId}",
 "assetId": "{assetId}",
 "name": "roboticarm"




Last update: June 26, 2019