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Asset Monitoring Example based on Web Components for Insights Hub and Industrial IoT

The Siemens Insights Hub Monitor Example offers a ready-to-use application that can be deployed to Insights Hub. It is a compilation of the Web Components for Insights Hub and Industrial IoT Widgets into a user-friendly Dashboarding Application. It shows basic monitoring functionality by using the Asset View, the Map, the Aggregate Chart component and many more. This example application should provide a first starting point to use the Web Components for Insights Hub and Industrial IoT with Mendix.

Get the demo application

The Siemens Insights Hub Monitor Example can be downloaded directly via the Mendix App Store. To get the Web Components Widgets directly imported into your project, we recommend to start the App Store via the Mendix Modeler.

starting point

Follow the instructions to deploy a Mendix application at Deploy and Register Mendix Apps.

Make sure to add the following core roles to your app in Developer Cockpit to grant the needed access rights for the app.

Insights Hub core role

Example Components

Many Web Components for Insights Hub and Industrial IoT Widgets have been integrated into this Mendix build example application.

For example

  • the component Asset View which displays available assets in the current tenant.
  • the Map component which displays a geographic map based on OpenStreetMap.
  • the Time Series Chart which shows the time series values of the aspect variables for a specific date/time range in a line graph. The selected range can be changed interactively by dragging, zoom in and out inside the chart, according to the set parameters.

More detailed information and a description of the web components in Insights Hub can be found here.

Note that the used version of the Web Components for Insights Hub and Industrial IoT Widgets is only released for Insights Hub within Region Europe 1 and not within other regions. Therefore, the example based on Web Components for Insights Hub and Industrial IoT are also only released for Insights Hub on AWS.

Local Development

The application is based on the Web Components for Insights Hub and Industrial IoT which can fetch data by their own from Insights Hub by calling its APIs. This works fine if the app runs in the Cloud as a registered Insights Hub app. In order to work locally, a Insights Hub API reverse proxy is necessary. The Siemens Insights Hub SSO Module provides such a local reverse proxy. The reverse proxy is enabled by default.

starting point


  • Rule Widget: Currently it is not possible to delete a rule when running locally via the Insights Hub API reverse proxy. The function works fine when app is running and deployed in the Cloud.

Last update: April 18, 2024

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