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Cloud Foundry How Tos - Stacks

Stacks are prebuilt root file systems that support specific operating systems. Linux-based systems need /usr and /bin directories at their root.

Find out which Stack an App Uses

The following Cloud Foundry Stacks are currently available:

  • cflinuxfs3: Based on Ubuntu Bionic 18.04
  • cflinuxfs2: Deprecated and based on Ubuntu Trusty 14.04

We advise to always use the latest available stack. You can find out the stack which your application is using with the following command:

cf app app_name

The command line will list a summary of the application including the used stack:

Showing health and status for app app_name in org org_name / space space_name as

name:              app_name
requested state:   started
instances:         1/1
usage:             500M x 1 instances
last uploaded:     Thu 21 Feb 12:37:11 CET 2019
stack:             cflinuxfs3
buildpack:         staticfile_buildpack

    state     since                  cpu    memory         disk         details
#0  running   2019-02-25T14:13:14Z   0.0%   1.5M of 500M   6M of 512M

Update the Stack of an App

To change the stack to cflinuxfs3, either add the stack attribute in your Single Manifest file or use the following command:

cf push {app_name} -s cflinuxfs3

The push command causes a restaging of the application and ensures that all statically linked dependencies are updated.

Last update: August 9, 2023

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