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Integrating Aliyun OSS Web Console with Integrated Data Lake

To integrate Aliyun OSS Web Console with Integrated Data Lake after enabling cross account access, follow these steps:

  1. Open Aliyun OSS Web Console.
  2. Add My OSS Paths.


  3. Click on the "+" to add the details related to access path and input data.

    • Region: The region of Integrate Data Lake Storage Account, default is cn-shanghai.
    • Bucket: Integrate Data Lake Storage Account name.
    • File Path: Storage Path provided to access while configuring the cross account accesses.



For example: - Storage Account = datalake-integ-cdiot0-1627437476734 - Storage Path = data/ten=cdiot0/NativeAliyunAccount

4.Click "OK".

5.Select your added path.



There may some "Access Denied" pop up, as we only granted the Read Permission for this account.


The data in Aliyun OSS Web Console is displayed and also user can access files under the Integrated Data Lake path using the account credentials through Aliyun OSS SDK or other Aliyun Native tools.


Last update: February 13, 2024