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Prediction Models


The Insights Hub application provides interface and automatic functions to create, train and evaluate data using relevant machine and process data to produce the ML models termed as Prediction models.

The Prediction model initially created is automatically set to status "Draft" and after the successful completion of model training, the model can be stored as a new model version and status is set to "In Training", which is termed as "Training board". If the the model version is set to real-time predictions, the status of the model changes to "Running" and is termed as "Operator Board". the Training and Running models are shown in the below image.

Prediction models intro

① Prediction Models
② Training Models
③ Running Models

All the available models can be accessed by selecting “See all Prediction Models”. "Training and Running" models can be accessed by selecting “See details” for the corresponding model status as shown in the below image.

Prediction models intro

Last update: January 22, 2024