MindConnect OPC UA PubSub API 3.0.1

The MindConnect OPC UA PubSub API provides messaging operations for device agents to define their asset or event models and to upload data accordingly stored as either asset timeseries data or events.

The communication protocol is based on the OPC UA PubSub Spec Part 14 Release 1.04. Additional restrictions are described in the message schemas of this API spec. For the full message schemas refer to the mentioned OPC UA PubSub standard documentation.

The asset model as well as event model is defined using the same OPC UA PubSub message types. The uploading of timeseries data according to the asset model and the creation of event instances also is based on the same OPC UA PubSub message types. The concrete conversion to either asset and timeseries data or to event types and instances is chosen by the client by publishing to the corresponding message topics. The mappings from OPC UA PubSub message to MindSphere data model are described in the accompanying documents of this service in the MindSphere Developer Documentation. Note that, in order to upload timeseries data first a corresponding asset model must be defined. Similarly, to upload event data first a corresponding event model must be defined.

The API currently works with:

  • the MQTT messaging protocol
  • OPC UA PubSub UADP Message mappings


  • The number of publishers and structure definitions per tenant is limited.
  • There is an upload frequency limit per tenant for meta and data message packages.
  • The size of network message is limited.
  • The number of data set writer id, configuration version, field and key value pair count per publisher are limited.
  • The size of hierarchy level is limited per data point.

Please see the MindConnect OPC UA PubSub section in the MindSphere Developer Documentation page to get more details.


  • mqtt.{region}.mindsphere.io:8883mqttdefault

    MQTT Broker which offers below described topics. Detailed information on the MindSphere MQTT Broker can be found in the page Connecting to OPC UA PubSub Service via MQTT, part of the "APIs & Services / OPC UA PubSub Service" section of the MindSphere Developer Documentation.


    Defines in which area it works.


  • PUB c/{clientId}/o/opcua/v3/u/m/t

    Define asset model, based on OPC UA PubSub MetaDataMessage.

    uid: clientId

    See the MindSphere Developer Documentation overview page for this API to get more details.

    • #Timeseries Operations

    Accepts the following message:


    Metadata of Timeseries Messages

    Contains data model of publisher as OPC UA PubSub NetworkMessage specified as MetaDataMessage. The following OPC UA Message types have to be used:

    • NetworkMessage
      • DiscoveryMessage
        • DiscoveryResponse
          • MetaDataMessage

    This message can be used to either create a MindSphere asset model or to create a MindSphere event model, depending on the operation used.

    The message schemas only describe differences to the original OPC UA PubSub specification. The full schema is defined in the OPC UA PubSub specification.

    restricted any
    uid: NetworkMessageMetadata


  • PUB c/{clientId}/o/opcua/v3/u/d/t

    Upload timeseries data according to defined asset model, based on OPC UA PubSub DataSetMessage.

    uid: clientId

    See the MindSphere Developer Documentation overview page for this API to get more details.

    • #Timeseries Operations

    Accepts the following message:


    Data of Timeseries Messages

    Upload data values as OPC UA PubSub NetworkMessage specified as DataSetMessage. The following OPC UA Message types have to be used:

    • NetworkMessage
      • DataSetMessage
        • DataKeyFrame DataSetMessage
    • NetworkMessage
      • DataSetMessage
        • DataDeltaFrame DataSetMessage

    The provided data values are either stored as timeseries data or as event instances, depending on the operation used.

    The message schemas only describe differences to the original OPC UA PubSub specification. The full schema is defined in the OPC UA PubSub specification.

    restricted any
    format: binary


  • PUB c/{clientId}/o/opcua/v3/u/m/e

    Define event model, based on OPC UA PubSub MetaDataMessage.

    uid: clientId

    See the MindSphere Developer Documentation overview page for this API to get more details.

    • #Event Operations

    Accepts the following message:


    Metadata of Event Messages

    Contains data model of publisher as OPC UA PubSub NetworkMessage specified as MetaDataMessage. The following OPC UA Message types have to be used:

    • NetworkMessage
      • DiscoveryMessage
        • DiscoveryResponse
          • MetaDataMessage

    This message can be used to either create a MindSphere asset model or to create a MindSphere event model, depending on the operation used.

    The message schemas only describe differences to the original OPC UA PubSub specification. The full schema is defined in the OPC UA PubSub specification.

    restricted any
    uid: NetworkMessageMetadata


  • PUB c/{clientId}/o/opcua/v3/u/d/e

    Upload event data according to defined event model, based on OPC UA PubSub DataSetMessage.

    uid: clientId

    See the MindSphere Developer Documentation overview page for this API to get more details.

    • #event

    Accepts the following message:


    Event Operations

    Upload data values as OPC UA PubSub NetworkMessage specified as DataSetMessage. The following OPC UA Message types have to be used:

    • NetworkMessage
      • DataSetMessage
        • DataKeyFrame DataSetMessage
    • NetworkMessage
      • DataSetMessage
        • DataDeltaFrame DataSetMessage

    The provided data values are either stored as timeseries data or as event instances, depending on the operation used.

    The message schemas only describe differences to the original OPC UA PubSub specification. The full schema is defined in the OPC UA PubSub specification.

    restricted any
    format: binary



  • #1MetaData

    Contains data model of publisher as OPC UA PubSub NetworkMessage specified as MetaDataMessage. The following OPC UA Message types have to be used:

    • NetworkMessage
      • DiscoveryMessage
        • DiscoveryResponse
          • MetaDataMessage

    This message can be used to either create a MindSphere asset model or to create a MindSphere event model, depending on the operation used.

    The message schemas only describe differences to the original OPC UA PubSub specification. The full schema is defined in the OPC UA PubSub specification.

    restricted any
    uid: NetworkMessageMetadata
  • #2DataSetMessage

    Upload data values as OPC UA PubSub NetworkMessage specified as DataSetMessage. The following OPC UA Message types have to be used:

    • NetworkMessage
      • DataSetMessage
        • DataKeyFrame DataSetMessage
    • NetworkMessage
      • DataSetMessage
        • DataDeltaFrame DataSetMessage

    The provided data values are either stored as timeseries data or as event instances, depending on the operation used.

    The message schemas only describe differences to the original OPC UA PubSub specification. The full schema is defined in the OPC UA PubSub specification.

    restricted any
    format: binary


  • object
    uid: NetworkMessageHeader

    Fields of NetworkMessageHeaders need to be align with the spec.

  • restricted any
    uid: NetworkMessageDataSetMessage
  • restricted any
    uid: NetworkMessageMetadata